Sunday, May 20, 2012
"dear bloggie, i havent posted my blog for quite awhile now. there are alot of things happened in my life since last month, trying to get back together with Fess, my one and only love of my life, meeting my bestfriend Mai... yeah, really happy memories. gosh, i dont know what to say here. uhm, my phone will keep its silence for now til he gets back from vacation. i really miss him right now... *giggle* the song im listening to right now makes me wanna cry. i have no idea why, maybe i feel incomplete cos hes not around i guess or im too emotional. >.< just a week and i'll wait for him patiently, be a good girl, stay the way as i am now as i promised him. aaah, rosak my english - very crappy. ahaha." That' one of her post in her blog that i always used to read till now :(. post ni buat hatiku sayu and terharu.I love her so much and I still thinking about her..huhu.