Tuesday, August 17, 2010
THQ unveiled during Gamescom today a new drawing peripheral for the Nintendo Wii entitled uDraw GameTablet. The Wii exclusive tablet launches this holiday in the U.S., and in early 2011 in Europe and other regions.
The tablet itself features a Wiimote slot, which serves as the tablet’s power source, as well as a pressure-sensitive stylus allowing for a wide range of drawing styles and options. The table is said to include tilt and roll functionality, but it’s unclear if that’s actually built into the tablet itself or is the result of having the Wiimote docked inside of it. Either way it means users will be able to control characters and objects using motion controls.
And for those looking to share their creations beyond their television screens, the uDraw tablet also includes an SD-card reader for copying over your artistic masterpieces (or as I’m calling them, “master-Wii-ces”).
In addition to the tablet peripheral, uDraw will include uDraw Studio, “an expansive drawing, coloring and art-based video game” that includes everything you’d expect from a drawing suite, including tools and shaders, as well as eleven canvas types ranging from notebook paper to concrete.
Both titles will retail for $29.99 US, and the uDraw GameTablet bundled with uDraw Studio will cost $69.99 US.