Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Today, Sony announced that a PlayStation 3 with a 320 GB harddrive is coming. The new PS3 will be bundled with Move, a Playstation Eye camera, a copy of Sports Champions and bonus Blu-ray game demo disc for $399.99 US

The smaller PS3 will feature a 160 GB drive and will run you $299.99 US.

Here's an interesting quote from Sony's press release:

"With the launch of PlayStation Move just around the corner, we're expecting many new consumers to join the PlayStation family. The PS3 Sports Champions Move bundle provides those families with everything they need to get into motion control gaming at a great value, with the 320GB model PS3 system as the centerpiece of the package," said Scott A. Steinberg, vice president of product marketing. "Also, as PlayStation Network continues to evolve with exciting new services, the hunger for digital content grows; these larger storage capacities address that demand and encourage consumers to take full advantage of the complete PS3 experience."


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