Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Today, Sony announced that a PlayStation 3 with a 320 GB harddrive is coming. The new PS3 will be bundled with Move, a Playstation Eye camera, a copy of Sports Champions and bonus Blu-ray game demo disc for $399.99 US
The smaller PS3 will feature a 160 GB drive and will run you $299.99 US.
Here's an interesting quote from Sony's press release:
"With the launch of PlayStation Move just around the corner, we're expecting many new consumers to join the PlayStation family. The PS3 Sports Champions Move bundle provides those families with everything they need to get into motion control gaming at a great value, with the 320GB model PS3 system as the centerpiece of the package," said Scott A. Steinberg, vice president of product marketing. "Also, as PlayStation Network continues to evolve with exciting new services, the hunger for digital content grows; these larger storage capacities address that demand and encourage consumers to take full advantage of the complete PS3 experience."
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
THQ unveiled during Gamescom today a new drawing peripheral for the Nintendo Wii entitled uDraw GameTablet. The Wii exclusive tablet launches this holiday in the U.S., and in early 2011 in Europe and other regions.
The tablet itself features a Wiimote slot, which serves as the tablet’s power source, as well as a pressure-sensitive stylus allowing for a wide range of drawing styles and options. The table is said to include tilt and roll functionality, but it’s unclear if that’s actually built into the tablet itself or is the result of having the Wiimote docked inside of it. Either way it means users will be able to control characters and objects using motion controls.
And for those looking to share their creations beyond their television screens, the uDraw tablet also includes an SD-card reader for copying over your artistic masterpieces (or as I’m calling them, “master-Wii-ces”).
In addition to the tablet peripheral, uDraw will include uDraw Studio, “an expansive drawing, coloring and art-based video game” that includes everything you’d expect from a drawing suite, including tools and shaders, as well as eleven canvas types ranging from notebook paper to concrete.
Both titles will retail for $29.99 US, and the uDraw GameTablet bundled with uDraw Studio will cost $69.99 US.
Microsoft Announces Xbox Live Launch Titles For Windows Phone 7
0 comments Posted by Fess at 5:52 AM
Today, Microsoft revealed part of its launch lineup of Xbox Live games for their upcoming Windows Phone 7 due out this Christmas.
“Windows Phone 7 is the launch of a major gaming platform for Microsoft,” Microsoft Game Studios general manager Matt Booty noted in a press release today. And judging from the slew of titles announced, it’s clear that this is very much the case.
In addition to the first-party “companion” titles like Halo Wapoint and Crackdown: Project Sunburst, there will also be a number of titles from third-party publishers as well, including THQ, Gameloft, Konami, PopCap, and Namco Bandai. Microsoft promises more titles are on the way, in addition to those it announced today, and new games will be released weekly after the phone launches.
Seeing as the titles carry the “Xbox Live” tag, it only makes sense that all of the features currently enjoyed by Xbox 360 owners will also be available on the Windows Phone 7 as well, including avatars, friends lists, achievements, messaging, the ability to view your games library and “find, try and buy new games either in the Marketplace or Games hub.” There will also be a Spotlight section for things like breaking news and tip and tricks.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A website in the UK claims to have gotten its hands on the next issue of Game Informer, and says that it contains a slew of new details on Batman: Arkham City. I have no way of verifying/disproving this info, so take it with a grain of Internet-salt, but the details are below... Spoilers (maybe) of course:
Gameinformer Story info:
- Quincy Sharp is no (SIC) running for mayor.
- Arkham Asylum and Black Gate Prison are unfit to hold inmates.
- Quincy Sharp buys off part of the slums and walls it off, creating Arkham City.
- Hugo Strange is in charge of Arkham City.
- Two-Face plans to execute Catwoman to gain respect of inmates.
- The overdose of venom may not be what's wrong with the Joker.
Gameinformer Gameplay info:
- You are now able to counter two attacks at once.
- More puzzles.
- All gadgets included in the first game are available from the start.
- Side missions now feature in the game.
- Gangs roam Arkham City, these are recorded in Batman's criminal database.
- You find people who work for Riddler to find Riddler challenges.
- Batman has his smoke bomb.
Nintendo is very proud of itself. The multinational gaming corporation has sold over 30 million Wii consoles, and that's just in the United States. According to Nintendo, this establishes Wii as the fastest-selling console in the history of video games, as it reached the 30 million-sold milestone 15 months faster than the next best-selling console.
Ubisoft Unveils Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Collector's Edition
0 comments Posted by Fess at 3:27 AM
Ubisoft today pulled back the hood on the collector’s edition of their upcoming surprise stab-fest Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood.
The collector’s edition should satisfy all loving-collectors out there, as it comes packed with:
* The Harlequin Jack-in-the-Box Collectible (exclusive to GameStop customers only) or The Doctor Jack-in-the-Box Collectible (available at all other participating retailers)
* Two Exclusive In-Game Single Player Maps
* Hard Copy Strategy Map of Rome
* Exclusive Art Book
* Bonus Disc
o Exclusive Making-of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Video
o Digital Sneak Peak at the Assassin's Creed Comic
o Trailers
o Game Soundtrack
According to Tomonobu Itagaki, the Japanese game industry is dying. Itagaki, who created Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive, should know -- the guy is practically synonymous with Eastern gaming.
According to Itagaki, the death of the Japanese game industry won't be due to crappy games, but rather a larger, systemic problem with the Japanese Socio-political system.
“Japan failed to import capitalism, or rather, it failed to understand the lessons of capitalism, of the free market economy," Itagaki told Edge."What I’m talking about isn’t just limited to the games industry. I’m talking about what has happened in Japan since the ’60s. Japan’s destiny – the destiny of this era – was already determined then.”
According to Tomo, Japan didn't capitalize on it successes back in the 1960s through the 1990s.
"In the years they were doing great, they had to prepare things. The infrastructure, education, the things you need to do to continue to be that way. But the older generation failed to do that," He said. "But don’t think I trust those people who are trying to change things now. It’s not a good idea to trust people who are yelling things have to change. They’re salesmen, just salesmen with something to sell."
As for the future of Japan, Itagaki was asked if he's interested in running for office and replied:
"Yes. There have been some offers for me to become a political candidate in Japan, and we do need a strong leader."
Itagaki even thinks the Japanese people will accept him as a leader, in spite of his aversion to wearing a suit!
Personally, I don't feel that Japan losing its place as the ultimate video-game-making country has as much to do with global politics as it does with a lack of innovation in Japanese games, as well as a marked difference in taste between Japanese and Western gamers. Japanese culture doesn't seem to support the kind of competitiveness that American gamers crave in multiplayer shooters, and that's where (a lot) of the gaming money is these days.
Friday, August 6, 2010
According to a patent application recently uncovered, Microsoft's Kinect will recognize American Sign Language well enough that those who "speak" sign language will be able to navigate menus, enter text, and even participate in chats in real time.
Even more amazing, the device will apparently be finely tuned enough to recognize lip motions and recognize what is being "said" by those who can't speak. Here's the example from the patent:
"For example, when the user kills another user's character, that victorious, though speechless, user would be able to tell the other user that he had been 'PWNED'. In another embodiment, a user may be able to speak or make the facial motions corresponding to speaking words. The system may then parse those facial motions to determine the user's intended words and process them according to the context under which they were inputted to the system."
Actual lip-reading has been over-promised by movies and TV for many years, so I doubt that the Kinect will "really" be able to tell what a person is saying just by "looking" at him and her -- your lips don't move distincitvely enough to really be readable by anyone, without the aid of the sounds you're making as well. But American Sign Language should be easier for Kinect to understand.. .in fact, I'll bet a computer understanding ASL is "easier" than a computer understanding and/or translating speech.
A side note: Kinect will be able to count your freakin' toes. From the patent application:
"[Within the skeletal mapping system] a variety of joints and bones are identified: each hand, each forearm, each elbow, each bicep, each shoulder, each hip, each thigh, each knee, each foreleg, each foot, the head, the torso, the top and bottom of the spine, and the waist. Where more points are tracked, additional features may be identified, such as the bones and joints of the fingers or toes, or individual features of the face, such as the nose and eyes."
This may not prove to be a boon to hardcore gamers, but as technology, Kinect is very impressive. The thing will apparently know where you're looking.
0 comments Posted by Fess at 11:49 PM
Crystal Dynamics plans to support everyone’s favorite tomb raider beyond the upcoming release of the downloadable LARA CROFT AND THE GUARDIAN OF LIGHT in the form of five DLC packs.
All of the packs will be released by the end of the year, and be downloadable for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC versions of the game. As for the packs themselves, the first three will include new puzzles, “exploration and combat experiences,” and new explorable areas, and the last two will introduce new skins of “some other well-known videogame characters.”
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light releases on 360 August 18 as part of the Xbox Live Arcade’s Summer of Arcade for 1200 Microsoft Points, and will receive an update on September 28, when the game hits PlayStation Network and Steam, that will add two-player online co-op, leaderboard support, and voice chat.
No word yet on the pricing or exact release date for the DLC packs.
Not all videogames are perfect; that's a given. However, it seems extra disappointing when a game has potential, but it's utterly wasted. As I checked the gameplay and video, I found out, ARC RISE FANTASIA is a game with a solid foundation, but unfortunately, it's weighed down by anime cliches and horrible voice acting. Well some reviewers said that:-
"Arc Rise Fantasia is a true test of patience. The new Japanese role-playing game isn't overly long or all that difficult. No, rather than challenge the player with tough combat Arc Rise Fantasia tests their tolerance for fanboy foolishness. The game is rife with cliché. From the game's scrappy, unproven (but ultimately chosen) protagonist to its utterly predictable menagerie of enemy creatures it is as if Arc Rise Fantasia was created in a total vacuum of imagination."
Ok, so it's not all flowers and candy, but there are some redeeming things about Arc Rise Fantasia that JRPG fans will enjoy.
Rating : 3/5
Today, we learned that a patent filed by Microsoft for Kinect's technology includes the ability to understand American Sign Language and read lips. The patent gives the example of a user being able to tell another player he's been "pwned" non-verbally, just by mouthing the word.
Some reader comments highlights the often vast gulf between the possibilities for a technology and what the technology actually delivers..
I can see this now:
Kinect: Your opponent would like to let you know that you have been ponied.
Player: No PWNED!
Kinect: Phoned.
Player: PWNED!!!
Kinect: oh...table?
Okay, it probably won't work great... but a guy can dream, right?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Rockstar Games announced today that the Legends and Killers Pack, the first of Four upcoming Batches of downloadable content for Red Dead Redemption, will be released on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live August includes nine new multiplayer map locations, eight multiplayer characters from Red Dead Revolver, the new tomahawk projectile, new challenges, and new achievements/trophies.
Electronic Arts revealed during an investor conference call today that Crytek’s futuristic shooter Crysis 2
(7)Cheats and Walkthroughs
(7)Cheats and Walkthroughs
(7)Cheats and Walkthroughs
The tech-pushing shooter was previously expected to release this fall, but EA will now bring the game to market sometime between January and March. EA explained during the investor call that the decision to push the release was made to give Crytek more time to polish the game and because Q4 2011 served as a more attractive release window for the game.Electronic Arts plans to release a sequel to their 2009 racing hit Need For Speed: Shift in early 2011, the publisher revealed in their Q1 financial report released today.Don't hold your breath, but EA will be holding a press conference during Gamescom in Germany next month, so perhaps more Shift 2 details aren't too far off.
EA Financial Report : Wii Sales Way Down, Digital Revenue Gives Boosts
0 comments Posted by Fess at 2:09 AMDespite seeing notable increases in revenue for their PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 portfolio, Electronic Arts saw a 75 percent year-over-year decline in its Wii sales between Q1 last year and this year, the publisher disclosed today in its Q1 FY11 financial report.
While EA has seen Wii sales drop from $161 million for Q1 FY10 to just $40 million in Q1 FY11, the publisher continues to be the number one publisher on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.
And even though EA released just six major titles in Q1 FY11 compared to last year’s 10 titles, Xbox 360 sales saw a jump from $73 million last year to $262 million this year. PS3 sales were similarly positive, increasing from $121 million to $209 million during the same period last year, which is in line with the PS3's 40 percent overall software increase over the past year.EA plans to follow a more streamlined approach to how many titles it releases in a given year as part of their new “Fewer, bigger, better titles” structure.
On the digital distribution side, EA saw digital sales jump from $124 million to $188 million. EA expects digital revenues to increase to $750 million, continuing a trend of 30 percent year-over-year growth.
About Me

- Fess
- "I am truth in all that you feel. My humanity stolen, compassion is gone. I am that which you know is wrong."