Monday, June 8, 2009
On last Saturday, Kami EEE (Electrical & Electronic engineering) & ICE (Instrument & Control Engineering) department membuat party and bbq dskul...dari start pukul 8 a.m. till 4 30 p.m.
First,ku antar my mom kaja,then kerumah Yazid ambil bbq stand...then ku keskulah...mengangkat makanan, BBQ stand n segala peralatan for partylah...bila ku otw masuk department kami ku trnampak,WOWWW!!!!!da BOUNCERlah...siok ni...main...for the 1st time in 3 years spend in skul,usulnya department kami tah yg buat bouncer ni....hahaha...Its all thnks to cikgu and ICE department for renting that bouncer....
Kami start memangganglah ayam,sosej...whereas PND Elect and ICE bawa heavy food and drinks..mcm mee,nasi etc...
We had fun main bouncer,sampai aku pn kana angkat n umban kearah bouncer pool...adoh...mati eyh...n even Cigu Soon our instructor,pun kana angkat jua...haha padan muanya...ckp nada spare baju...hahaha,no mercy man...p no offence,k??just for fun...last bah kami ni...hehehe..ndaja guys??=D
And ada yang prepare water baloon lagi toh,n throw to the targeted person,hehe...sandi jualah...gila siok bnrr....speechlesslah...hehe...
then time in the NOON time ku balik toh, aku dgr durg celebrate birthday Sir Manuel....huhu...nda sempat mkn cake...huhu....p sokaylah....jnji I had fun with my friends and my juniors....after that..Walid ND2 ICE,main guitar accoustic...pasang lagu yang buat kami menangis sal...kami ni last bah spend sama2 in the skul...aku pun ada sikit jualah menangis,but I dont want to show them....that I cry...=')...and yang ku pling kecewa,its just kami ND2 EEE nda banyak org datang,huhu...I want to spend time with durang..p durg nada...maybe durg Bz or maybe not....but its sokay...nda ku paksalah...durg datang....
We had fun on that day....thanks to EE n ICE departmnt once again,for this party and everything...I will never forget it this memories..forever and ever....and If u guys mau video time ari sabtu,just c8 with me at shoutbox,k??hehehe...
Here's the picture...