Monday, February 23, 2009
Saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat ulang tahun hari kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam yang ke-25 tahun. Makin maju dan matang sudah negara kitani. Harap2 negara tani berkembang maju dan selamat dari segala bencana dan malapetaka AMIN!!!!
Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari jadi kepada Wanie a.k.a. Giok(Gf Irdi) yang ke-23 tahun. Semoga panjang umur,murah rezeki dan berjaya dalam hidup.Bila blanja??Sharelah sama BFmu blanja satu klass kami,ok?Maaf sal gambar ko bagi tadi,terdelete,so aku ambil gambar nilah,k?hope you like it.hehehe.
Hadiah,nantilah sal Wou Miew Chein(Taraa duit,harap2 Chinese wordsku ni lurus,ahahaha).
Anyway,Happy Birthday (^_^)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Sory guys for not updating my blog for almost 2 weeks.Ada masalah internet connection. Well I don't know what to post. But I will update it later.
For those who tagged me,thanks...I will try to post it KALAU aku rajin,ok?
That's all for now.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Starting time- 12.07 am
Name-Muhammad Yusra Akmal
Sisters- 1
Brothers- 1
Shoe size- 7 or 8
Height : 5'2
Where do you live?
> Kpg Sg teraban
Have you ever been on a plane?
> yeah
Swam in the ocean?
> Nda pernah and I don't want to
Fallen asleep at school?
> Yeah if Teacher talks crap
Broken someone’s heart?
> Yeah
Fell off your chair?
> yeah
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?
> Umm...can't remember
Saved e-mails?
> yups2
What is your room like?
> ada katil,tv,DVD,Buku notes,meja,kerusi etc.
What’s right beside you?
> My right Shoulder
What is the last thing you ate?
> Mee Goreng
Chicken pox?
> same as fierrss
Sore throat?
> Yeah
> umm,nope..
Broken nose?
> Nope and I don't want to
Do you believe in love at first sight?
> It depends
Like picnics?
> Of course,chill and mandi d pantai,hahaha
The last person you danced with?
> Sapa aah???
Last made you smile?
> No comment...
You last yelled at?
> antah aahhhhh....
Today did you...
Talk to someone you like?
> I don't Know,adakah??
Kissed anyone?
> nadai
Get sick?
> Nope
Talk to an ex?
> Nope
Miss someone?
> Antah aaah
Who do you really hate?
> Nda baik benci sesama manusia
Do you like your hand-writing?
> It depends on my mood.
Are your toe nails painted?
> Nope
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in?
> No one
What color shirt are you wearing now?
> Pyjamas Light Blue
Are you a friendly person?
> Do I?
Do you have any pets?
> Yess
Do you sleep with the TV on?
> a2 tu pn lau tertdo
What are you doing right now?
> Doing This taggedlah
Can you handle the truth?
> Yes I Can
Are you closer to your mother or father?
> Both
Do you eat healthy?
> 50 50
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?
> ermm......
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
> Home and Beach
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
> Both
> Haha,Wat do you think?
Are you confident?
> well it depends
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1) main carah polis and pencuri dgn laki2..
2) Main bola pkai tin
3) Main game SNES until PS1
4) Liat Tv power Ranger and Ultraman
5) Baca Komik
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1) Sedekah arah fakir miskin and helps palestine
2) Built a Mega-Ultimate-Super-Tanks or Transformer so that I can destroy Israel
3) Built a Big House or mansion for my home
4) Travels To Japan and Korea and lives there.
5) haj with my parents
5 of my bad habits
1) Malas
2) pementel
3) Moody
4) Degil
5) make a decision without thinking
5 places I've lived/living
1) Home
2) Seria
3) Kpg mata2 and rakyat jati at my cuzn's
4) Muara
5) at my nene's house D panchor
5 person to tagged
1) Turin
3) Steve
4) Nannie
5) Iwee
Kami 6 orang elect,Aku Azrul,Shahfiee,Sham,Cham,cpot trip to Berakas Power Station(BPS).Awal lagi kami bangun tu dalam 4 -5 pgi..hahaha,atu awal...kali aku ambil durang ni lah.time Seblum jalan ke bandar,Shahfiee mau singgah skulah seria kjap,jmpa bapanya.Kali bpanya bagi Handphone LG,bisai...hahaha.
Kali kami start jalan Kebandarlah and jmpa Cham dGiant.Lapas tu,kami jalan ke Brakas Power Station and trjmpa Instrument students.Durang pun 5 org sja yg ikt patutnya 6 org,p Izat nda dpt dtg.Sampai sana,tunggu Cikgu Fauziah and Cikgu Soon.
Bila Cikgu sampai dah,kami trus masuk dalam and pekerja sana(org putih yo) guide us and explain everything. Banyak jualah kami aga tempat sana...

Abis singgah ke Giant,kami trus ke Limau manis,sasat cari rumah kwnku ni punya gf,smpai pusing2 bah,hahaha.kali trjumpatah n pertama kali kawanku bertemu cintanya..atu jiwang,hahaha.time2 dua-duaan tu,kami pasang lagu Romance "Ku ingin Kamu",hehe supaya bertambah romantik.