Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chelsea 1-2 Arsenal: Back in the race
Man City 0-1 Man Utd: Rooney goal enough
Portsmouth 3-2 Blackburn: Davis the saviour
Tottenham 0-1 Everton: Piennar matcwinner
Liverpool 0-0 West Ham: Reds Fluff lines again
Kalau XBox 360 ada XBox live, Playstation 3(PS3) pun ada "PLAYSTATION HOME" untuk kamu bina kehidupan kamu sendiri. Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) membezakan konsep avatarnya dengan XBox live melalui dunia maya 3D macam "THE SIMS". Dengan diperkenalkan dengan "The Gateway Online" at PS2, "PLAYSTATION HOME" dilihat sebagai pendekatan mesra pengguna untuk gamers "Playstation Network" dengan perkhidmatan berasaskan komuniti.

"PLAYSTATION HOME" mula dibina pada tahun 2005 oleh SCE London & SCE Studio Cambridge. Until now, ia masih lagi dalam peringkat ujian Beta terutamanya kepada pengguna pengguna "Playstation Network" SCE ingin menghasilkan avatar yang lebih exclusive buat pengguna PS3.

Avatar kediaman rumah di PLAYSTATION HOME lebih kurang macam dunia nyata. Kamu boleh buat hiasan dalaman dengan 11 variasi jenis perabot/perkakasan.

Skrin terawal untuk kamu bina avatar iaitu cipta karakter kamu di sini. Dengan grafik 3D tahap maksimum. Pilih jenis wajah serta perhiaskan karakter dengan pelbagai jenis fesyen & aksesori.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Wigan 2-1 West Brom: Boyce makes Baggies pay
Middlesbrough 0-0 Newcastle: Alves, Martins go close
Sunderland 1-4 Bolton: Horrow show for Keano
Stoke 1-1 Hull: Fuller's spot kick rescues point
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
1. Put Your itunes, windows media plyer etc on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name
5. Tag 6 people.
Are you male or female?
Terlambat mengerti - Dygta
Describe yourself!
: Manusia bodoh - Ada Band. Absolutely me...
What do people feel when they're around you?
: Zetsubou Billy - Maximum the Hormone. Death Note Fans
Describe your current relationship.
: Aku Bersujud - Irwansyah & Acha. Hanya berserah padaMu,Ya Tuhanku...
Where would you like to be now?
: A whole new world - Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle. I wish,I fly.....
How do you feel about love?
: First Love - Utada Hikaru...hmmm.....
What's your life like?
: Kesepian - Dygta. Very true.
What would you ask for if you had only one wish?
:Everything We Had - The Academy Is. no comment.
Say something wise.
: Merry-Go-Round - Yui.
If someone says "is this okay?" you say,
: Techno Drive - PB2 Boys. Lets Dance baby!!!!
How would you describe yourself?
: Seribu Tahun - Imran Ajmain. Waiting for her........
What do you like in a guy/girl?
:Bagaikan langit - Potret. Sorry,not interested in this question..
How do you feel today?
:Ikhlas tapi Jauh - VE.
What is your life's purpose?
: Kenangan Terindah - Samsons
What is your motto?
: Cherry - Yui
What do your friends think of you?
: You're not alone - Saosin.
What do you think of your parents?
: DOGFIGHT - move
What do you think about very often?
: Menjaga Hati - Yovie & Nuno. Look at the picture of "Heart of Me" on the right side.
What is 2 + 2?
: Tak mungkin ku melepasmu - Dygta.
What do you think of your best friend?
: My Immortal - Evanescence.Our relationship are immortal.
What do you think of the person you like?
: Tergila- gila - Raffi Ahmad & Melly Goeslaw. No comment
What is your life story?
: Mahakarya cinta - Faizal.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
: Ku Tlah jatuh cinta - Agnes Monica. yeah right.
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
: The Story - SG Wannabe.
What will you dance to at your wedding?
: Dearly beloved - Kaoru Wada. sesuai ni kalau ku kawin nanti.
What will they play at your funeral?
: Tak slamanya indah - Dygta.
What is your hobby/interest?
: What's up people - Maximum The Hormone. WASSSSSSUUUUUUPPPP!!!!!?????
What is your biggest fear?
: Surgamu - UNGU. Allah Maha Besar
What is your biggest secret?
: Masih Untukmu - Dygta. for her
What do you think of your friends?
: Closer - Joe Inoue
What will you post this as?
: Niji - Aquatimez.
Sesiapa yang baca tagged ni,dialah kana tagged oleh aku,ok?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Don’t you see your princess is gone?
Pull your vengeance aside
Let’s make it rain blood tonight
Collide your sword with mine, I’ll send your soul
To the hell where it came from
By this I know you’ll never set your eyes
On a quest you can’t survive
It’s no surprise your head hangs from my heads
Your mouth can’t sin or lie
Cut through the limbs
Stab through the enemies eyes
Any last man will die
She, watching the sky burn oh how it burns
Run for the skylines, run for the skylines darling
Follow the light of the moon just to stay alive
Forgive me
For tomorrow
If I’m late
I’ve died before I wake
Cut through the limbs
Stab through the enemies eyes
Any last man will die
What’s left for you
You, you wanted life
I showed you love
Conserve protect your life
Conserve your life
Conserve protect your life
Conserve your life
Your life is my well being
And if it lay in shadows then so be it
But left it be known that this soldier will not rest a day
Until he lays in the glamour and the grace of his bride
I will not rest one day until my victims blood is shed
Up and down the shorelines
Up and down the shorelines
For gods sake please
Don’t you forgive me
I will wait for you
Race the sun
Pray for nothing warm
Walt Disney present:
Tayangan Dipawagam: 26 or 27hb November 2008
Walt Disney Animations menghasilkan filem 3D CGI(Computer Generated Image) selepas "Chicken Little (2005) & "Meet The Robinson"(2007)
Arahan : Chris William & Byron Howard (Director), Clark Spencer(Producer)
Bolt terkenal sebagai anjing superhero yang hebat tapi......hanya dalam 1 rancangan TV hit di Hollywood. Dia tidak tahu apa-apa cuma menyedari dirinya serba boleh dan mahu menyelamatkan Penny yang disangka culik tapi dia tersilap lalu dihantar ke New York...
Here's for more picture below:

Monday, November 24, 2008
Arahan: Robert Wise
Ia adalah filem sains untuk generasi baru dengan isu "kesihatan" bumi. Makhluk asing datang ke bumi untuk memberi amaran kepada manusia - Konflik politik,peperangan antara sesama manusia menjurus kepada kerosakan alam semula jadi mengakibatkan memusnahkan bumi.
Here's the picture below:

DRAGON BALL( Live Action )Dipawagam : 13hb March 2009(JP), 8hb April 2009 (US) & ??hb ???? 2009(Brunei)
Penantian bakal berakhir!!!Mimpi jadi realiti!!Harapan peminat siri manga & anime "Dragon Ball"( Live Action ).
Ia diterbitkan oleh 20th Century Fox dan hasil karya ulung Toriyama Akira. Arahan penerbit Stephen Chow(Shaolin Soccer,CJ7,etc) and Director James Wong (Final Destination 1 & 3 etc).
Ia menceritakan tentang Piccolo Saga,iaitu ketika Lord Piccolo mula muncul setelah bebas dari kurungan & sebelum kelahiran anaknya, Piccolo Junnior.
Here's for more picture below:
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tadi petang after skool, Hostel laki2 mengadakan football 7-sides league.Durang start main dalam kul 5.Mereka akan bermain selama 20minit(10 min 1st half,10 min 2ndhalf).1st match is Team gabungan Elect(Boi,Cham,Cpot,Saiful,Azri,Jol,)1 from PND ICE,and 1 from PND CS..lawan Team Gabungan BSE+.....punya lawan,full time,mereka tewas 2-0..tapi nda apa,masih ada esok and hari jumaat,ok?Dont give up guys!!!!
After their match,kami lepak2lah liat the next match...
Here's the picture...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tadi petang,time skulah,kami nada kelas sal cikgu nada,so my friends nada pa2 dbuat,ada yang liat ceta,main game,keworkshop..kali dalam pukul 3 tu,sorang2 my friends balik,pasal nada pa2kan buat dalam kelas.
Dalam pukul 4,tinggal aku,cham,Irdi,Foo and Shahzrul..time ku buat EPE,tiba2 durang Irdi,Cham kelaie,sampai pakai meja and kerusi..aku pun inda tau sal pa,kali Foo duduk2 nda buat pa2,pun kana jua..kejam-kejam!!!!kedengaran ni bah durg kelaie ni..aku suruh durang berhenti,masih jua durang kelaie..
Shahzrul pun liat anime pun kena antam jua oleh durang tiga ni.I hope cikgu nda nampak and nda's the picture...
Monday, November 17, 2008

Hull 2-2 Manchester City: Geovanni saves Tigers
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Malam semakin larut dan ku duduk sendirian,ku terkenang
sebelum ku tahu isi hatimu
di saat namaku belum kau kenali
ku sudah melihatmu di dalam mimpiku
ku lihat kau bahagia mendengar kata-kataku
ku ingin di sisimu
Ku masih untukmu
Ku merindukanmu
walau semua takkan kembali
Tapi tak ada yang mampu menggantikanmu
Tak ada..
Every words are important to me