Monday, September 29, 2008
Have you seen a dunk with twice in the air?
He's the only one that could do it..
720 dunk.
Taurian Fontenette a.k.a. The Air Up There a.k.a. Mr 720(new name)
Must watch!!!!
Another result matches on Super Sunday:-
Wigan 2-1 Man City
Meanwhile AC Millan's Ronaldinho scored his 1st goal after victory 1-0 to Inter Millan.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Sorry for late post,bz bh,huhu.well, here's a result for last night's matches;-
Newcastle 1-2 Blackburn
Fulham 1-2 West Ham
Stoke 0-2 Chelsea
Man Utd 2-0 Bolton
Aston Villa 2-1 Sunderland
Middlesbrough 0-1 West Brom
Arsenal 1-2 Hull
Arsenal Fans, sandikan??=D
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sorry,for late post,ada sikit busylah. so on that day,in the morning, I woke up late (sorry sab) coz, I promise him to go to skul early with him, to do our final year project. but sokay, I came and kami buat kajalah, sampai around 12..and around 1, me and my friends went to bandarlh trus...awal2 keGIANT dulu, sal mau booking restaurant sana and da yang mau kjmbn..=D banyak restaurant kami aga n book, p satu tmpt yg kami suka..

nanti lg,jalan2 mkn sungkai,ok?
Steve ,yazid,VROOMM2 =D
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Im sorry for this late post, busy bah, busy main game,and lepak sama kawan aha=D
Another result matches on Super Sunday:-
West Brom 1-2 Aston Villa
Man City 6-0 Porstmouth
Tottenham 0-0 Wigan
Hull 2-2 Everton.
My point in Fantasy Football is 86.00 points =(
Nda brapa tnggi pointku ah,ok lagi last week,uhu.
J.Bosingwa(Che) G.Bale(Tot) M.Figueroa(Wig)
3.50pts 4.00pts 9.50pts.
M.Arteta(Eve) A.Riera(Liv) S.Gerrard(Liv) M.Noble(Whu)
3.00pts 4.00pts 10.00pts 2.00pts
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Here's a result for last night's matches;-
Liverpool 0-0 Stoke
West Ham 3-1 Newcastle
Blackburn 1-0 Fulham
Bolton 1-3 Arsenal
Lau mental, bawa minum,k? =p
Waiting for tonight's game.
Hope Manutd will win =D
Volume 70-71, 72-73 VCD naruto sudah kluar dpasaran,ok? and Naruto manga vol 417 pun sudah kluar.. Better you read manga first.. Bcos dlm manga tu,
- 8 tail beast sudah kna tangkap oleh Group sasuke and mereka membawa ke Akatsuki Organization.
- Latihan Naruto semakin ketat.
Pning ku memilih org ni.akukan beli Torres, Adebayor, CR7 tapi mahal bah harganya,huhu. Hrp2 yg ku pilih all the players ni, Luruslh predictionku.
Here's my team
M.Arteta(Eve) A.Riera(Liv) S.Gerrard(Liv) M.Noble(Whu)
Robinho(ManC) Mido(Mid) R.Santa Cruz(Bla)
Kalau You'all mau join this fantasy football,Visit website
Mudahan jua Man Utd Menang Esk,Amin!!=D
Hope I catch up ( Efra & Pjal,im coming!)ehe =p
Friday, September 19, 2008
Malam terasa indah sejak kumengenalmu
Pagi semakin cerah bila kumengingatmu
Apakah yang ku rasa benar jatuh cinta
Mungkinkah aku jatuh cinta padanya
Mungkinkah aku jatuh hati padanya
Hatiku terasa semakin rindu
Rindu ini hanya untuk dirinya
Sayang ini hanya untuk dirinya
Oh Tuhan aku jatuh cinta
Mungkin hanya cintamu meluluhkan hatiku
Apakah yang ku rasa benar jatuh cinta
His name is Andre Poole a.k.a.Silk from Baltimore/DC
Gila bah Skillsnya and his pass accuracy.
Must Watch!!!
Happy Holiday Everyone!!(atu lambat bagitau)patutnya aku buat blog ni sblum holiday, but I kinda busy anyway. Tyme holiday ni pun kadang2 boring jua(Dulu spend time with her kalau holiday) huhu.tapi takpe ada rancangannya for me dalam holiday.
Antaranya ialah;-
- Jln2 sma kwn makan sungkai dbandar.
- Main game PS1, CS, CC:Generals and Football manager using my lappy.
- Watching DVDs (smallville season7 my favourite siok!!!),anime and EPL.
Since last month dia putuskan aku,Hidup aku Nda tentu arah,ada sikit nda concentrate on studies.kdg2 nada mood(kata nannie"ngilu sja gigi ku liat mua mu,mcm ku mkn manga aa...masam huhu~~").
The Truth is I...I still Love her,I still care about her. Im willingly to wait forever to make her come back to my life,but I cannot force her.On that __th September 2008. it was our anniversary and my heart keeps calling for her and memories between me and her were covered all in my mind and I couldnt sleep at that night.
But I understand,Its my fault after all and I deserved it =(
Both of us will continue our life, gaining our own future and we still contact each other as a friend and someday she and I will find ourselves in love again.
But no one will replace her in my heart..
Chelsea Vs Man Utd
Chelsea continue their unbeaten home form,with John Terry continue to play after he saw his red card had overturned by the football association.The team that lined up for Chelsea in midweek was the same that beat Manchester City the last Sunday.
Man Utd(sigh),Vidic is suspended,between youngster J.Evans or Wes Brown will replace him. But CR7(Cristiano Ronaldo) and Berbatov are back from injury,maybe they could start.
Today I bring you the news for the highly anticipated RPG from Square Enix Infinite Undiscovery for the Xbox 360, as well as EA's long awaited RTS title Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 for the PC and Xbox 360. Aku liat trailernya,lawa graphicnya and excellent gameplaynya!rasakn main bah.
Assalamualaikum..Finally I have created my own blog for the first time in my life.Waduh speaking london si..hehe.You're welcome to visit my blog,give a comment,ok?I'll bring the news about my clazmate(EE),games,sports,anime,movies etc. To all my friends and for those who knows me,enjoy your holiday and happy fasting(nda lama lagi raya)..Ok?
Thanks =D