Sunday, April 25, 2010
Well tomorrow morning,my love will wake me up around 5 something in the morning,bcause she has an interview at Vocational technical school,seria around 8 am and she'll be there with her family. I must be there,give her my love,support,encouragement to her..This is her 1st time she has an interview so I understand that she has an anxiety,nervous...but dont worry,I'll owes,owes and owes be there for you,my love.
As for me, I will have an oral English exam at Skulah rendah Ahmad Tajuddin,KB around 2 pm. I hope, we get a good result,success and we stick together to the end...
Congrates to me,my classmates for graduating National Diploma of MKJB
0 comments Posted by Fess at 12:16 AMI would also like to congrats to NTC and ND people in other technical school..Hope you all continue studies and find ur way success in ur life,ok??
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
last night,I slept over to my friend's house with my friends....n we all chill inside house,eating satay...very2 delicious..lau jual,confirm laku ni..ahahaha...then after we all mkn apa,then we all playing games XBOX 360..nada PS3 lah dumah kwnku ni,huhu...main game pun,na tau cana takan bcause i always play games PS3 controller,so its slightly different..but I only play just once,which is sprinter cell the conviction..ato pun kapai2 main,mati2 sja,lawan enemies..ahaha,sal na tau pakn dtakan..ahaha..

Then I watched my friend playing fight night round 3, I think...which is boxing gamee...n I watched my friends playing,tawa2 ku liat durg main game..bnyk skill,avoid,tumbuk..cali brabis,ahaha..smpai prutku pning bah..ahahaha..then eshok,akulah first bangun awal,n 1st mandi...n even ku bangun awal pun,aher jua jalan,sal biasa,kwn ku ni bujang..ahaha..kami dtg sana around 7 am.datang2 awal pun,menunggu 2 jam,kn rehearsal,udahth batah,nada signal lagi,panas lagi call n bermesej ma fmili n my love pun pyh,huhu...then rehearsal-rehearsal,after that,ku jln kGiant ma kwn2 classmateku lunch sana,padahal ku dah lunch free d dwan ubd sana mamam nasi ayam..time ku rehersal o Giant,ada yg buat ku sikit sakit hatilah..only my love sja yg tau ehehe,x)
After ke Giant,ku blik krumah kwnku,rehat2,liat kwn2 ku main game,n liat2,tarus ku tdor..smpai around 4 something,then ku pack up brg then blik dlm kul5,smpai rumah kul7..chil2 lah jln n berhati2 bila driving.ehehe...
Ok ri kamis lagi convocation,d dewan pksa bgn awal lahhh..ahaha,laupun ku tdor bandar eshok dhotel dkiulap sma famili.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Im backkk...ahaha..sory,ku nda bnyk post..nda tau pakn ku ku post yg latestlah yang happened to me..ehehe...ku blik KL pun awal,gara2 English test d ITB..gila bah...ku dKL,siok2,kana n inform oleh my love and my friends sal test ni...bnyk rundingan n minta tolong dah arah cousin or kwn yg related to ITB,p masih jua nda dpt..pksa ku blik sorg,balik sorg bah..ahaha,1st time ku balik sorang dari KL to Brunei.ahaha..p ndapa,that test is already over.
Then I've dated with my only love,3 times i think( choee lau salah,huhu) 2 times,dinner with her and his family at SRC seria,n last one yesterday,which I went with her and his brother to St Margaret,ada tarik kalat..ahaha..kira lawan house2lah like,blue,yellow,red..ahaha.Im really glad that aku jalan n spendtime with her..because I miss her everydayy,huhu..and I love her so muchhh..huhu..
Thenn,this morning,aku gmbr for the last time smpena ku rmbut panjang yg ku simpan,almost a year..thenn abis smayg jumat,aku kkadai gunting,gunting my hair...GOODBYE my hair..huhu...p ndapa,abis ku bljr d ITB,ku smbung lagi pjg rmbutku,k??dun worry..i'll be like serizawa..ehehe..
I love u and I mish u cho muchhhhhhh,jojo =)